We provide a range of specialised services to all categories of information and communications technology stakeholders, including, but not limited to, manufacturers, operators and providers of value added solutions and services. We also specialise in mentoring entrepreneurs and funding of innovative solutions and products. Select from the list of contents below the services applicable to your category.
Agent of manufacturers of ICT products and solutions
Global telecommunication equipment and solutions manufacturers face intense competition in the international arena. To retain their market position and expand in areas of their relative technology advantage and/or superior/unique solution they have to gain recognition and acceptance from operators in developing and developed markets. Successful penetration into new markets and acquisition of registered supplier status with leading telecommunication operators requires significant investment of time, finances and human capital. The right resources is a must in order to build and strengthen relationship with operators and other stakeholders in the telecom and IT industries. Mainly to persuade prospective customers on the benefits the OEM’s products and solutions can deliver to them and the contributions it can make to their network’s resilience, diversity, quality of service, ROI and bottom line revenue.
Each market has its own business culture. The ultimate goal is to take advantage of the peculiarities of each market by delivering products and solutions inline with the market needs and the market’s modus operandi. There are a number of ways to combine the OEM’s professional management style with a specific market business culture. No doubt the optimal, fastest and most cost beneficial way of an OEM to gain acceptance and penetrate to a market and/or increase sales is to augment the available resources of the OEM with experienced, trusted and well connected ICT professionals in that market on agreed KPIs and payment terms.
The agency model
Under the agency model the OEM appoints us for a given period, usually two years, (the “term”), as their non-exclusive agent for the marketing, promotion and sale of their products and solutions to customer in a country, or a defined region. We undertake this appointment in reliance on the personal qualifications of our team members who will actively manage the marketing promotion and sales activities in the said country and/or region. Payment by the OEM of the agreed agency fees and subsequent extension of the term are contingent on us meeting an agreed set of KPIs.
We undertake provision of marketing, promotion and sale services of OEMs products and solution manufacturers in Nigeria, South Africa, United Kingdom, Lebanon, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia (the “territory”). And are in possession of expertise, experience, know-how, connections with authorities and stakeholders, have the right team members and infrastructure required to perform in the territory the services listed below:
- Marketing and promoting the sale of the OEM’s products and solutions to customers in the territory;
- Supply to customers in the territory all required information with respect to the OEM’s products and solutions. If required, deliver presentations and/or attend webex presentations to new and existing customers;
- Maintaining continuous contact with customers and prospective customers in the territory and provision of administrative support to these customers and to the OEM’s personnel;
- Upon written request of the OEM, assist in collection of overdue payments owed by a customer in the territory to the OEM in respect of which we are entitled to receive agency fees under the agency model;
- Coordinate our marketing, promotion and sales activities in the territory with the OEM’s representative designated to the territory;
- Inform the OEM of any significant meeting, contact and/or other activities related to our marketing, promotion and sales efforts of the OEM’s products and solutions;
- Arrange meetings between the OEM’s personnel and customers/potential customers in the territory;
- Maintain proper records and documentation of all inquiries, meetings, correspondence etc. relating to our activities under the agency model and permit access (to physical and/or electronic copies) to persons designated by OEM to all such records and documentation at all reasonable times during our business hours;
- Provide to the OEM periodic written reports on all of our marketing, promotion and sales activities of the OEM’s products and solutions and all other information which is likely to be of interest to the OEM in connection with the marketing, promotion and sale of the OEM’s products and solutions to customers in the territory, including any specific information which may be requested by OEM from time to time;
- Inform the OEM as soon as we become aware that a customer intends to resell or transfer the OEM’s products and solutions to a third party in or outside the territory;
- At the request of the OEM, and on payment of all required fees related thereto, obtain all necessary governmental approvals, licenses, permits and consents in connection with the import of the OEM’s products and solutions into the territory as well as act as the importer on record of the OEM’s products and solutions into the territory; and
- Adhering strictly to our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Social Responsibility Statement.
Services to telecommunication operators
Quality of Service (QoS)
Whilst there is no uniform measurements to quantify QoS, it is largely acceptable that telecommunication network should:
- Guarantee network availability and service quality and reliability;
- Handle network activity peaks, taking into account the expansion of customer bases, usages and devices used to access the network; and
- Provide higher data speeds to deal with traffic generated by all types of usages.
With rapid growth of mobile data, growing adaptation of cloud services and array of new convergent services delivered by telecom operators, QoS remains indispensable. It must be managed independently for each service or customer segments in order to comply with regulatory requirements and customers expectations while avoid unnecessary investments that would erode profitability the operators’ profitability.
With the ever changing telecom market landscape, our experts can assist operators to defined QoS performance objectives with the intention of exploiting QoS as a differentiating advantage. The tools and methods deployed by our experts reduce the difference between the QoS perceived by customers (QoE) and the QoS measured by the operator, introduce a reliable measurement of end-to-end QoS, optimise the customer experience, guaranteeing QoS on every service delivered to customers, and assign priorities to services and customer segments.
Our End to End QoS services include:
- Integrating QoS in the very design of all aspects of the network and service quality through tighter control of the entire life cycle of each network component and service;
- Analyse QoS from end to end (network/service availability, response time to incidents, operation of the service, control of incidents, and attentiveness to user needs);
- Find the best path from the current situation of the network and services to the target one;
- Prioritise and manage the selected solutions; and
- Training.
Network transformation
The telecommunication landscape shift to mobile services any-time, anywhere and on any device is set to stay with mobile phone and mobile devices becoming the preferred means of accessing the network. In addition, data volumes are exploding due to smart-phone uptake and mobile video.
To maintain revenue from transporting bits and bytes over their networks, operators must adopt a proactive vision of transformation model that would allow them to monetise network investment in the face of stiff competition from other operators and over the top disruptive technologies.
In today’s telecommunication market there is marginal differentiation between services offered by competing operators. Many of these services became commodities in terms of price. Yet the operator must find a way to generate sustainable revenues from such services and create customer loyalty.
We assist operators to undertake the required transformation while retaining ROI by:
- Reconciling the network technical performance and economic efficiency;
- Aligning the network strategy with the operator’s business ambitions by exploiting new technologies and/or an upgrade of network infrastructure;
- Ensure that the solution we offer meets all the operator’s important needs;
- Provide a proven methodology for successful network transformation; and
- Enhance the customer experience through network quality by optimising the use of existing assets and adapt to changing needs.
Other services
In the course of their career, our team members led or were instrumental in taking telecommunication operators to the next level in their market place and/or penetrate new markets. This experience includes:
- License bids for mobile telephony;
- Assembled leveraged buyout syndication to acquire existing telecoms operators;
- Investor and client relations;
- Corporate finance transactions including:
- due diligence assignments;
- mergers and acquisitions;
- equity and debt fund raising;
- setting of financial framework;
- funding and cash flow management;
- internal audit;
- credit development; and
- assessment and risk control.
We use this knowledge, experience and connections to support investors and/or operators willing to:
- Acquire licenses and frequencies;
- Discover potential M & A opportunities and projects across UK, Africa, and the Middle East;
- Source investment and loan funding from private equity funds, individuals, and debt providers, and establish investment consortium;
- Expand through mergers and acquisitions;
- Engage experienced technical and general executive management with successful track record during startup, transition and restructure periods; and
- Conduct due diligence;
Services to Value Added Solutions providers (VAS)
Telecom companies in all markets look to value-added services (VAS) to differentiate themselves, attract new customers and boost margins and ARPU.
Whether you are a post-sale VAS like ringtones, wallpaper and similar digital content, or pre-sale, VAS we can assist you to build partnerships with telecommunication operators.
We use the agency model described above to manage the business relationship with VAS providers.
Services to Entrepreneurs and Startups
We support promising innovative idea and startups based on innovative ideas to get to market and have a high probability to become successful and rewarding business ventures.
Our team members includes executives and serial entrepreneurs that started during their career successfully ICT business. The best idea requires market research, planning, design, development of specifications, supporting manpower, business plan, funding and marketing. With us you can bring to a halt money drainage of all ancillary activities to get to market and focus on developing your innovative idea. We use the full range of services described under Our Services to shield you from distractions and unnecessary upfront expenses on the way to a successful ICT startup.
We have extensive experience in the use of open-source productivity tools and business applications. You will need such tools and utilities in order to manage time, resources, collaboration, proper recording and safe keeping of your intellectual property rights. We identified and use open-source utilities that reached enterprise level such as Customer Relation Management, Enterprise Resource Planning and Electronic Document Management System. We have positive experience and significant know-how in deploying these applications that we can bring to your new venture at ZERO capital cost. Click to read more on our open standard approach and open-source solutions we recommend.
We can either partner with you or use the agency model to guide the relationship with you.
In December 2015 the Australian Government recognised the need to embrace new ideas in innovation and science, and harness new sources of growth to deliver the next age of economic prosperity in Australia. If you are a visionary entrepreneur we can team up with you to materialise your vision in Australia. You can read more on the innovation drive in Australia on http://www.innovation.gov.au/.